If you are a new visitor who came across my work via New Designers, either picking up a card or a print pack please also feel free to say hello, whether it be a comment, e-mail or tweet! For prospective clients and scouters, a more comprehensive view of my portfolio is available to view online here and a CV is available upon request. All illustrations and patterns featured on both the blog and portfolio are available for purchase or license. Click here to visit the contact page.
Also it should be mentioned that for me, personally, it was a good experience to see the standard of textile and pattern design work that is being produced by some of the best colleges in the UK. I'll be writing articles on some of my favourite designers and their pieces via Pinso in the next few weeks so keep a look out for that.
And on a slightly off-topic note, today Google reader is shutting down so anyone who follows this blog via Blogger will unfortunately lose updates but you can still connect with me via Bloglovin. Bloglovin gives you the option to import the blogs you follow on Blogger via Google or alternatively you can just click the blue button to the left!